Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Anxious for some sign of Spring.....3-24-09

This is the money that Larry would save if he used GEICO. This is especially true since AIG raised their rates so Larry and Betty could "stimulate and bail" them out from both ends.... taxes and checkbook.... what ends did you think I meant, lol. Attaching the jingle to the commercial didn't quite work out so you are all individually challenged to sing the chorus to "somebody's watching you" in Larry's key while viewing the above pic.
Dinner can be an adventure here. For those with enquiring minds, pictured above is a Rueban Crescent bake with mac salad, (the peas were from the salad which illustrates Larry's ability to design a commercial while simutaneously filling his stomach and playing with his food. Tee he he. We have to talk to his mother about this practice.)
Betty saw Robin's yesterday, a large contingent upon the lawn next to the laundry room looking for food... we believe this is a sign for great things... like a season change. lol. Mitzi is already playing the brave big hunter up here... I can't tell you how thrilled we are to have her accomplishments on the patio to clean up. But, deep down, she is a wooooos! She can yowl and growl with the best of them and will not stop until picked up and comforted. Her nemis'? The vacuum cleaner. She yowls until comforted while it is used. If she is walking with B and L and she doesn't like equipment or some other device on a lot, Betty must carry her past it or she yowwwwwwwls and growwwwwwwls without budging. It is hysterical!
Sophie, on the other hand, is oblivious to most change around her that does not have a direction towards the 7 food groups. She lives for the nutrition pyramid. She does consider herself part of the welcome committe for returning resort owners and squeeks like a toy as they walk by the trailor. Yeah, vicious dog. Squeek , squeek.
Be well and take care.

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We have been fortunate not to be in the midst of the stagnate fog base enveloping the flatlanders. Yesterday, they had the added element of "freezing fog" which has to be one of the worst phenomena's to drive in. Larry commented that the car never totally warmed up when he took it to town yesterday. I imagine; therefore, it was his and Betty's warming personalities that kept the windshield defrosted ...eh?

Mitzi is killing us. She is worse than any 10 kids on a summer day. In and out, in and out. When Larry is in his chair, he can open and close the door at her whim. (she whims a lot) And comically he yells at her, "get outta here." It still cracks the women of the house up after all this time... or maybe we are just "cracked up." Nonetheless, Mitzi is undeterred in her control of all of us when she requires the door opened. She can be rather pitiful, or charming, depending on her mood to motivate us to comply with her bidding.

Betty was having a "Lucy Ball day" when the inauguration took place with her comment, "It seems like it was just 30 days ago that we were a month away from the inauguration....." ROFLOL. The mass amounts of snow can be rough ya know??? We make sure to let her outside daily to avoid any long lasting effects of "cabin fever."

Larry took some popcorn leftovers to the neighbors yard (wise move lol) for the raccoons... now numbering 4. (Pics below) my little pal came up on the porch and played some possum with me until I finally got a shot. We have heard the coyotes (even in the late afternoons) but have not seen any. The squirrels are out which keeps Mitzi from getting love handles during the winter but they all move to fast for me to get a true photo op. Giving me a camera was a mixed blessing, teaching others how to delete pics is their saving grace. SAY CHEESE. Tee hee hee.

Larry went out with a spoon and a knife and carved an elephant in the snow. The next day, it melted into woody woodpecker as the trunk was the first to go in the sunlight. Now it looks like Sophie hiding under her blanket when she sees her bathing towel. Hmmm here is a question for the cosmos', why is the front of an elephant the trunk and the rear of a car or person's rumpy called a trunk? Or junk... trunk junk.... oooookay....... onward and upward.

Other than keeping busy with projects, we are all doing fine up here and are hoping the same for all of you. Be well.

Popcorn for 4

Popcorn for 4


Woooooooohooooooooo! Eric gave me a device to upload Thia's pictures from her camera! Thank you, thank you! He is becoming my technowizard when it comes to her camera by finding the best charger for the battery 2 mos ago, and setting all the bells and whistles on the camera itself.

The first pics of the raccoons were taken at a distance... until Thia figured out they couldn't get her through the glass. (Please, don't go there) The two of them were entertaining for a time during the worst of the snow storm, but needed to get back to their wild lifestyles. They resisted at first, but we haven't seen them as much the last few days.

The red car was totally dug out and started on the first try. It's hibernation under so much snow caused no problems and we took it to our friends house for dinner last night (Yummmmmm.) While there, we had the joy of watching the elk gather at the side of their house. An entire herd. Sadly, neither of us brought our cameras. It was a site to behold. They told us they even had a bear near there house on a different night treating itself to the gingerbread house left on an upturned bucket.

There is a red car there.....

There is a red car there.....

And it started on the 1st try

And it started on the 1st try

Our view

Our view

The Aftermath of the Storms

This is how the snow melted on this tree stump outside of the living room window. Looks like a bird, huh?

Many of you have probably seen on TV that we made national news on CNN, HNN, and Fox. Betty and Thia took a ride to Concrete and saw the house that slid down (complete with residents) and were in awe of the site. The mountain was fully snow and tree laden, except for the portion that slid.

The swans, ducks, and geese that we had witnessed walking/skating/sliding across ice covered rivers and wet lands are now floating and able to find food. We have had to discourage the "roxettes" now that they can forage for food also, (they are resisting this new rule) so the view at the sliding glass door has changed entertainment wise, and of course Mitzi has taken on the role of the enforcer. Thia was unable to find the device to upload her pictures (although it is always fun to have the salepersons scratch their heads and not even know what you are talking about), so we will try to find something on another trip to town at different stores. When you see the pics of the raccoons you will know she found success.

The wardrobe has changed for the dynamic shoveling duo. These outfits keep them dryer, they glow in the dark, and is much more practical in the changing climes at the moment. Thia is on her best behavior, as her first inclination was to paint a bullseye dart board on the back of the trousers for snow ballz competitions by oncoming motorists and snowbounders alike........ see poll to the left.

Betty and I feel so fortunate that we have Larry behind the wheel. He is able to traverse any weather or any obstacle it seems. He has helped others up here who did manage to get stuck and they know they can count on him to get it done right.

The red car is almost totally dug out and started on the first try. (pics on Thia's camera) there was so much snow on the top of the car we could no longer see the wishing well at the corner of the property (keeping in mind the wishing well had about 4ft of snow on top of it)

Behind the trailer, we have a snow bank filled with water where the fire pit is in the spring and summer, lol. Anyone wishing a private "polar swim" come on up... however there has been no sun for sun bathing. The weather persons tease us with the forecasts showing the sun... cruel practice!

We have seen some very strange things. This trailor in the picture lost its snow to the front - instead of to the side. It fell in one piece and cracked but stayed standing. Some trailers, sadly even with snow roofs, didn't make it through... there has been damage in various degrees.

We are the lucky ones, or rather Betty and Larry kept up with the storm where this home was concerned to avoid any problems in spite of the fact that a second snow shovel could not be purchased for a time. Larry showed patience and diligence while talking to stores about when some might become available. Some of the responses they gave him were.... weakminded and had us wondering if those people had teeth. Nonetheless, after the snow storms, Larry was able to purchase some shovels.

There is no snow in the forecast at this point..... BUT WE ARE READY. All is well as can be at Mountain Mania and hope the same is for all of you. Until next time.

Power Outages or... losing technology not by choice

A few mornings ago during a snow storm we lost power at about 6:15 am pst. It lasted about 2 1/2 hours. There were lessons to be learned.... again ... from this phenomena.

First off, the flashlight is never where you saw it last.

Not all smokers can find their lighters to ignite a candle in the daylight much less in the dark.

Furniture moves itself onto your walking path jamming any available limb or toe. Furniture shows no mercy.

A pellet stove may warm you cozy; howwwwwever, cozy leaves when you open all the doors and windows to let the smoke from the smoldering pellets escape once the stove exhaust fans cease from power outages. Thia didn't get a picture... but, Larry cleared the smoke out fast by whipping a towel around... (showing he could have lassoed many a steed as a cowboy along with the best of them) and after waking up enough, had an inspiration and took the pellet pan and smoldering coals outside ending the additional bellowing smoke from the stove. Kudos for the inspired. We set the faucets to drip (some are louder than others, why is that?) and awaited the repair to bring back technology into our midst, so much more wiser for "next time."

This is now being typed on the puter battery. Power outage #2 5:45 am pst. AND WE WERE AWESOME!

The flashlight was not where I last saw it, lighters were among the missing, both recliners kicked my rumpy, Betty boop stayed in bed (she has enough bruises from shoveling) and
(drum roll) ta da..... Larry took the pellet pan out first thing and saved us the turmoil of a few daze ago.

I miss the towel/lasso thing tho...

We don't have a snow storm action at this time. We are on our second day of a rain deluge. Although; looking outside yesterday, we still have 5ft or better snow in most area's. And for those who were worried, we see a tiny bit of the red car. It is still pouring, and I am reminded of the story of Noah. The closest thing we have to an arc on Betty Boop drive is the paddle boat currently under the 5ft of snow plus the other 5ft that dropped from the roof on top of it recently. hmmm, kewl!!!!!!! I live with shovelers!!!!!!!

New Years 2009

New Years 2009

Happy New Years!

This beautiful picture depicts our view on the morning of New Years. We have had a few more snow storms since that photo, which has the snow shoveling team of Betty and Larry earning their winter "slush" by shoveling off roofs, sheds, awnings and whatever!!! Sadly; in most cases, it takes more than an hour to break a trail and shovel their way to get close to the trailers. They have had to "pack mule" ladders, shovels, and other gear as the truck cannot go most places. We haven't seen the red car since the December storms; however, we do believe it is still there.

Periodically, a tree dumps it's limbs down their backs and they manage to slip, slide, and laugh their icy booties off. (What a duo!)

Komo News Channel 4 was up here last night to film all of the snow up here. These reporters were on the ball. They thought we had street lights up here???? They slipped right off the bat and broke their portable light so Larry set his up for their use. Larry and Eric were both interviewed. Funny tho.... currently there is a price dispute between Dish and whoooooomever and we can't get that channel, so we have to have it recorded for viewing (roflol) Chances are you can view it yourself by going to the Komo News website.

New York has their famous "Rockettes" dancing on stage... We have our version here in Washington, that I call the "roxette raccoons." They work for food. They have been coming in from the snow onto the covered patio and doing the cancan begging for food at the sliding glass doors. They are not destructive and are not fond of carrots. They do enjoy bread of all types, pork rinds, stale cereal, old tortilla chips, clementines (tangelos to some of you) as a final resort and have a newfound fetish for rice krispy treats. They don't have to ring the door bell or knock as Sophie announces their arrival. Mitzi has started growling at them (yup, this cat can growl) and bravely attacks the glass that separates them. In the summer months when they showed up, she would quietly sit in the outside chair like a statue... Catz are smart. As soon as we get the pictures off of Thia's camera we will post them.

The birds also come for dinner. We have been putting seed along the railing and have become the most popular diner at Tyee. The small birds leave a lookout usually on the tip of the shovel in case the larger birds swoop in. Fasinating to watch. Especially for Mitzi the cat who thinks the bird seed was bought for her convenience in keeping her hunting skills honed. We haven't seen any Eagles, but there is a rafting trip that can be taken... if you can get there on the highway to join the tour.

Evenings are spent working on crafts or projects, visiting with other snowbounders, picking on each other incessantly, occasionally a game of Yahtzee or Skipbo, or watching (and the best part) and commenting on whatever tv or movie that has been chosen. I am sure the actors cannot do their jobs without us yelling, "get outta there!" Or, "don't do that!" Well... you get the idea. Like the cat, we are so much wiser protected by the glass.

Breaking trail

Breaking trail

Tip your head sharp right

Tip your head sharp right
A lot to shovel

Okay, stop tipping now

Okay, stop tipping now

